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  • panikerpavitra


Updated: Oct 8, 2021

An Indie Author - Who ? Me ?

Indie to me sounds hip, hep , happening – all things I am not. So an Indie author makes me slightly uncomfortable but it is growing on me. I have been an Indie author for a year now. River Laughter Moon & C - is a historical fantasy, published in the year of 2020- a year which has created history and beaten fantasy. So I have slightly been overshadowed by this year but so has James Bond and Wonder Woman. :)

My elevator pitch.

The year is 1857 in the seaside town of Calicut. Four have been chosen by supernaturals of the past. They battle the East India Company’s ambitious railways because hidden beneath the plains of Northern India is a relic so sacred, it has been guarded fiercely over millennia.

Polio cannot dampen Sarah’s spirit,

skin colour makes no difference to Charlotte,

Chandran is an unflinching patriot and

Colin will be redeemed by a second chance.

River, Laughter, Moon & C, where time surrenders to friendship and courage……

RIVER LAUGHTER MOON & C : a story told by Sarah, Charlotte, Chandran and Colin.


Victorian travellers were few but they were privileged and secure in the confidence that they had every right to be there- ‘ There’ being the spanking new colony taken under the wings of the British imperialist eagle. Sarah didn’t suffer from entitlement, she is grateful for the opportunity. On her arrival in Calicut she finds behaviour steeped in thousands of years of rich respected tradition . Her mind is set abuzz by the rich tapestries of ancient literature still breathed by its people.



To see Calicut through the eyes of Charlotte is to see it as a feast of sights, sounds and smells: wonderstruck by nature’s vibrance, energised by the glorious freshness of her new experiences and moved by the sounds of protests against injustice. She makes friends, she falls in love , she finds purpose and she finds family.

Chandran :

For some, youth is a transition from childhood to mellow adulthood. They let it pass in a haze of unexceptional moments. For some it is lived in extremes. From loving hard, to fighting hard and believing with all their mind that they count and can make a difference. Chandran is full of youthful exuberance. In the absence of a father, he has had to grow up fast . His sense of purpose and his thirst for justice finds home in the resistance , the struggle for freedom from the British. And then he goes and falls in love with an English girl.


In the early 19th century a number of colonies had emerged. Imagine when one had escaped from one colony to land in another but found himself in the favourable position of being a part of the imperialist vehicle? Colin is not your typical hero- he is a man with a complex and insecurities. Colin could have sought sanctuary in the oblivion induced by opium- allowed himself to be eaten by hate and malice. But Colin wants to learn. To study those that have subjugated him and his people. He wants to emulate their daring, and become a pioneer. But one thing that remains with him is his sense of justice and morality.


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